Thursday, April 30, 2009

Group #20: Random People In Your Group of Friends

Picture this: you are hanging out with some college buddies, kicking it like old times. Someone cracks a joke that makes everyone uncomfortable. Then you realize, who the hell is this person???

You ask your former roommate who that person was. She replies, “I thought she was your friend.”

Who invited you? No one in the group seems to know you. Yet, you act like you don't notice the blank stares when you retell a story we all are supposed to remember. But, who ARE you? Inquiring minds want to know!

Oh, you must be someone's main squeeze. Wait, you're single. Hmmm.

Well, Chris...Taylor...Ashley, that was a great story. Note to self: watch facebook friend requests more closely.

Random people in your group of friends: stop ticking me off!

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